The very last thing I want to do right now is a post about Veda. That is probably the worst mom-thing I could say! Boy is she tough. And she has been getting out of bed over and over for the past hour and a half. Waking up Quinn, begging for more water/blankies/babies, more blankets, less blankets, socks on/off. Plus she bit me today... not once or twice but THREE times. Talk about the terrible threes.... she is definitely making me learn some patience. Or rather, question if I have any patience left at all.
Despite the hard times I have with her lately, she is an absolute doll. She can be so sweet and kind and loving. She loves to snuggle and be held. She is spunky and funny and full of life and makes our lives complete. We love her dearly. (And I'll love her even more tomorrow after I've had a break from her for a few hours!)
Happy almost-Birthday Veda!! And here begins the month of birthdays at our house!