Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I love my kids. They are SICK right now. Coughing, runny yucky noses, can't sleep, whiney, grumpy, sick kids. Quinn had to miss preschool today. Which is a heartbreak for her yet she handled it well. Quinn normally holds her bowel movements ALL day until we put her nighttime diaper on, then she lets loose. But yesterday (I'm guessing because she hasn't felt well). She kept pooping (just a little) in her underwear. But like 6 times. And despite all the yucky-ness around here, my kids are great. I'm pretty sure I'm just hyped up on hormones, (and also happiness since my mom gets here in LESS THAN a week). Otherwise today might have been a bit more depressing. Anyway-- I just spent 5 whole minutes saying "Ready, set, go!" to Hendrix. Which then he would run at me full speed with arms open to give me a hug. (A snotty, slobbery hug). This is what life is all about. Sick kids and all.

and no pictures of the kids today. but here are a couple old ones.


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

i am so sorry your kiddos are sick :( no fun!! jax is sick right now and it makes my mommy heart break!!!

Mom said...

I hope they feel better (fast). I'm excited too. Hooray! One week left. Isn't it fun looking back at the old photos?

Lindsay said...

sorry about the sick kids. im sure thats no fun. cailin has yet to be sick and i can just imagine that its the pits. but those cute little faces have got to make you feel a little bit better.

Chelsea and Shane said...

That is such a bummer that your kids are sick...that can make for long nights. Greyson and Bentley are just finishing up with their first colds. I feel so bad for them. Have fun with your mom when she comes visit.