Monday, March 28, 2011

new sling

My friend/'sister' Kelsey, sent me a Moby wrap (not really a 'moby wrap' but one she made... which is even better). I put Miss Veda in it today... it's AWESOME. seriously... i love it. I've always been a big fan of 'baby wearing' and my other two kids loved to be in a sling. Veda fell right asleep after I put her in it... and is super cozy and happy in it. We even left the house and went for a walk!! what?? in the winter weather? I know... I put a blanket over the baby. one day it will be spring... and we'll go for more walks with my new sling. :)

and let me tell you.. I've done LOTS of one-handed blogging lately, and today I got to use TWO hands. wow. it's way faster with two hands :)


Mom said...

Veda looks cozy and content in that sling.

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

i have ALWAYS wanted one of those!!! veda looks so cozy and comfy right next to your body!!!

kelsey said...

Yay!!! I loved the "sister" reference. Thanks. This reminds me of tiny Scarlett. . . aw. I know what you mean about having two hands, it's amazing.

Megan said...

As I read this I have Nola in the Moby wrap sleeping peacefully after an hour of screaming. Two hands to type is awesome.

valerie said...

aw I love it! I love their little bums in those things for some reason, its like you automatically wanna pat it. haha I know funny thing to write.