She loves to look out the window. I swear she'd do a pull up if she could!
Back to causing trouble
Notice my empty cupboard...but not so empty floor
My sweet girl is finally feeling better!! Here she is laughing heartily at something--check out her teeth!!
Here she is playing in her favorite position. She has never been a sitter--but she can sure kneel! Check out how worn out the knees on her jeans are!
YAHOO for feeling better!!!!
I'm so glad she is feeling better
You can't fool me, Amber, I've been in your kitchen. I know as well as you do that those dishes came from somewhere else and that that cupboard was empty before Quinn got there!
She may just give Jonathan a run for his money as far as how many pairs of pants he can wear through! I always send his old clothes to Gwenn, but it's usually a box of shirts with no pants because they don't survive! :)
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