Monday, August 18, 2008

Quinn talking

I was trying to get some of Quinn's words on video today. This first one was funny--she wasn't in the mood--but I tricked her somehow when it came to saying 'applesauce.'

Here she is being slightly more cooperative for the camera. I think "Ellie" is my favorite--or maybe "Daddy." You gotta love her enthusiasm. She is obviously distracted by the gymnastics she is performing on her bike--but I got a few good words out of her!

(and look Krystal--you didn't need to ask, I already did today) :)


Leslie said...

Obviously our favorite was evie. We are still working on "quinn"!

Anonymous said...

What a superb conversationalist! Pretty soon she will be able to say words that even I can't say. Olympic gymnast too!

krystal said...

Thanks Am, I'm not sure it sounded like Krystal but it was a good shot!! It's a hard name for little ones. .