Friday, February 17, 2012

testing, testing

Hello out there. Anyone still reading this little ol' blog?

Here's a quote from the book I'm reading. I've mentioned it before- it's called "A Joyful Mother of Children." It's a good one. Here's something I read last night in a chapter about reminding yourself that your having fun being a mom-- despite the craziness that raising children brings.
"We mothers do have fun watching these little ones learn and grow. Sometimes we're so close that we can't see it, so we have to step back a little and focus-- and remind ourselves about how much fun we're having!"

Amen to that. I love the moments that seem to stand still. When I can stop and just giggle at what Hendrix just said. Or notice how much Quinn is actually comprehending about the world around her. Or enjoy the twinkle in Veda's eyes and she's discovering everything. I sure love my kids. It's an exhausting job, but they make me so happy.

Ha... the kids 'cleaning' the floor with colanders on their heads.
 Here's a random fact about me. Did you know I wear this bracelet every day? In fact, I never take it off. My sister-in-law Krystal was in the Peace Corp and went to Guyana. While she was there, Hendrix was born. Her host family gave her this little ID bracelet for him since most of the babies there sport one of these. She brought it home and gave it to him... and I swiped it! I'll consider giving it back to him one day. But now it's an extension of my arm so it'll be hard to part with it. I decided to take a picture of it because last night it got caught on something and fell off!!! So I thought I'd better take a photo and blog about it so it's burned into everyone's memory for all time.
Happy Friday everyone. MY MOM COMES TOMORROW!! (this morning at breakfast I was one the phone with my sister. Quinn all of a sudden looked at me and flipped me off. But what she was meaning to do was hold up a number 1-- since Grandma comes in ONE day).


Heather said...

I still read "this ol blog"! haha. All the time! Love it. So that bracelet is so cute. I can see why you love to wear it.

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

love the quote. i seriously need to read that book.

hope you have a blast with your mom.

and i am super impressed that your wrists are small enough to sport a child's size bracelet. yay you! it's a really cool bracelet too!

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

Agreed (about the quote), thanks for the reminder. Have fun with your mom!

krystal said...

awww love the bracelet:) and that's not the first time quinn has pulled the finger..

daine said...

of course I read it.

kelsey said...

I'M HERE. Sorry that when I take a vacation no one comments! lol. My mom is here too--- yay!

Anonymous said...

too funny about her number "1"!


Anonymous said...

Very cute! gabrielle

Lindsey said...

I love Linda Eyre. I just read another one of her books; "I Didn't Plan to be a Witch." That's a good one too. I like how we have the same taste in books (among other things...)