Monday, August 25, 2008


Quinn and I went to the water park last week with Sarah and kids. Here is Quinn enjoying a goldfish cracker.

Quinn and Ellie chillin on a chair--the water was FREEZING for some reason...we spent a lot of time on the chairs.

Not at great photo--but it shows her cute swimsuit cover that matches her cute swimsuit. (both from Grandma Stevens)

Quinn-o and Dave before church yesterday. Lookin' so cute


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! Dave looks like he lost some weight. Quinn and Ellie are such cute little cousins.

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! Dave looks like he lost some weight. Quinn and Ellie are such cute little cousins.

Leslie said...

Man I love that waterpark. Why didn't you invite me? Yea, I'm going to STL again. My brother & sis in law are going out of the country for a few days and want me to watch their kids. So,... I'm going!

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

I haven't looked at your blog in a long time because we've been moving, and I can't believe how much Quinn has grown up in the last month! I love it. I'm jealous you went to the water park, I've been wanting to go all summer and we've been too busy. I'm the whitest I've ever been by the end of the summer. Oh well.