Monday, March 24, 2008

yes, that's a raw potato

Quinn found a potato in the pantry this morning. I walked in to find her sitting on the floor and the potato in her mouth. She must have liked it though because she carried it around for a good hour today!

Quinn has been slightly fascinated by this 'doll' in the closet but has never gotten a good look at it.

She wasn't so sure once she saw it.


Dave said...

As clarification for anyone reading this, that "doll" is used for practicing hair cuts, it's not that we just like keeping life-size severed doll heads in our closet...

Although it is great for playing pranks on many an unsuspecting visitor.

Scott & Katie said...

I can't blame her...I think I would have the same reaction if I saw the 'doll' in the closet. Can't they make them with a smile? :)

Scott & Katie said...

I can't blame her...I think I would have the same reaction if I saw the 'doll' in the closet. Can't they make them with a smile? :)

Paul said...

whatever dave, why did you have those heads in our closet when you were my roomie?

krystal said...

I'm sure you never put it on the end of a stick and scared girls living on the second and third floors of apt. buildings. . . That's my girl. . true Idaho girl eating raw potatoes..

Anonymous said...

OK Amber- you've lived in Idaho too long if she's resorted to knawing on raw potatoes. That "head" is kind of scary.