Saturday, April 25, 2009


Any of you have any advice on how to get Hendrix to take a binky?? I have tried 7 different kinds....none of them have worked. I try just holding it in his mouth too--and it is a rare thing when he'll actually suck on it without gagging or trying really hard to spit it out. If you have any great ideas, let me know--or if you know of a great binky I should try, I'm up for that too :)

And oh--Quinn has an adorable new haircut--lots of pictures to come.


Mom said...

Sorry- it's been too many years for me. I can't wait to see the haircut photos though. And perhaps one of Hendrix also.

kelsey said...

i wish i knew. they just gave norah one in the nicu, so she pretty much had it from birth. i probably shouldn't even comment, cause i don't really have anything good to say. . . but i hope you figure something out!

Fullmer said...

You know Tyra NEVER took one! So maybe he just isnt a binki baby!! ??