Sunday, March 15, 2009

b-day party

We had Chris and Sarah over for cake and icecream tonight for Dave's birthday!!
Quinn scraped all the frosting off her piece of cake :)

Here he is staring lovingly at his party cake

Quinn found a little seat to eat her snack--I just thought she looked cute


kelsey said...

oh, the party cake. yum. now i'm craving that cake, and the frosting. . .
p.s. darling easter dress from your mom, no matter how unhappy quinn is in the pics!

Anonymous said...


Billy said...

Happy Birthday Dave! We do love our stroller, it is a Phil & Teds and we ordered it online. You have to get the doubles kit to add the second seat. It is a really great stroller.

Anonymous said...

I made comments the other day on this group and I guess they didn't go through (maybe i did the word verification wrong). Hope you had a great birthday Dave! It looks like Quinn eats cake like I do (I like the frosting with just a little cake). Does Quinn have curly toes (like someone else I know)???