Thursday, May 21, 2009

the kiddos

nothing too exciting going on around here...hendrix has had a clogged tear duct, but other than that, no excitement.
Quinn has been BUSY looking at books. She has literally EMPTIED three whole book shelves. I'll ask her if she wants to do something else, and her reply is "no, I'm still looking at books."

My cute boy in our favorite onesie. I think this might be his last time wearing it's getting a bit tight to snap up.

I made her a sling for her baby. I tried to get her to model it for me, but no luck. She also informed me that it's 'too tight' so I might be making a new one anyway.


Scott & Katie said...

haha- she said it's too tight. That made me laugh. These little ones have such strong opinions...and aren't afraid to say so! The other night at dinner, I asked Ryan if he liked his dinner and he squinted his eyes, scrunched his nose and looked up the ceiling to think and said's way too hot. Thank you mr. two-year-old food critic :)

Mom said...

You might try making a new sling for Quinn's baby dolls with a knit fabric. It doesn't need to be as "safe" as for a real baby. Hendrix is a cute boy. Perhaps Quinn will be another literature major like her Aunt Amanda.