hendrix is quite the little sitter now. he loves to sit and just play--and bang toys together. he's such a boy!!
hendrix made it all the way into the playhouse yesterday morning. i love how quinn is sitting...acting like it's a mouse on the floor or something. the funny thing is that as soon as he was ALL the way inside the house she hurried and shut the door...blocking his escape.
Love the mismatched socks ( a gene that rubbed off from her aunt Amanda??). I know she has another pair of socks just like that pair. I guess she wanted to make sure Hendrix was going to stay and play in the playhouse. What a good little sitter Hendrix has become! (Not tipping over?).
If I can have a boy as cute as Hendrix then we are set!! :)
He is sooo cute, love his rolls! I hope he doesn't lose them when he starts getting mobile. Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend.
why aren't I squishing him right now?
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