I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad...
Sometimes it's good for me to count my blessings and remember what I love in life. (instead of dwelling on the pain in my belly or having to clean poop out of undies.)
This guys is one of my favorite things. What would I do without him?? He takes such good care of me and the kids. Even if he's walking out the door for work he'll stay a minute to change a diaper or take Quinn potty. Plus he's HOT and a very talented artist-- what more could I want? This photo was taken two years ago on our anniversary. We are about to celebrate again next week!!

friends. ha... do you love this picture Kelsey? Sometimes I feel like a lot my friends are far away. Then it's just nice to remember that I have friends at all-- no matter where they live.

these two cute ladies. I'm sure missing you guys a lot right now. Wish we were together to have Christmas. Someday.

baby slings. what would i do without my sling? I STILL put Hendrix in a sling while I'm out sometimes (those days are almost over since my belly is huge). Kelsey gave me a Moby wrap to use for Baby V- can't wait :)

new babies. How can new babies not be one of my favorite things? They are sweet and sleepy and soft and smell so good.

This little girl. I'm so glad to have my little buddy Quinn. She is so sweet and fun. She loves to shop and craft (two of my favorite things to do). Plus one thing she says a lot: "Guess what???!! I love you."

Almost everything about this little man is my favorite thing. Today while I was carrying him downstairs (i know... i'm not supposed to do that..sorry Dave). I was whispering something to him about being such a sweet boy or something and he said "I love you." I could have cried. He says it other times, but only when I say "Hendrix, say 'Love you mommy!'" then he'll sometimes humor me and say it. But today was totally on his own. I love to watch him learn how to make new facial expressions and learn new words. He is just something special.

some of my other favorites:
the fleece sheets on my bed
seeing Quinn's cute fingernails painted pink
And CHRISTMAS!!!! I love Christmastime. I hope all of you are taking the time to remember your favorite things.