Saturday, March 12, 2011

sad day...

we had a trumatic day around here yesterday...
I took Veda in for a well baby check yesterday morning and had mentioned that I was concerned that the lump on Veda's head hadn't gone away-- or even seemed to have gotten any better. The doctor seemed just as concerned and said that she was going to call the specialist in town to see what he thought. The specialist wanted to see Veda right away, so I took went straight there after we left her pediatrician.
The specialist said that after about a month, a lump like Veda's could start to turn into bone-- which would either mean a more invasive surgery down the road, or one of those helmets that help the head form correctly.
so our other option was to drain it. that seemed like the best option. the surgeon told me that it was no more invasive than a circumcision. (to make me feel better?!) i'd like to know how many mothers choose to be present during a circumcision. it was AWFUL. the surgeon assured me that the only thing she would feel would be the numbing shots. despite that, she still screamed her head off the whole time. the surgeon first just tried to suck out the blood with a needle. yuck. and it didn't work. AND i watched the whole thing. When he decided that he needed to make an incision, the PA took over holding her down and I got to sit down. I'm grateful I didn't actually WATCH him make a cut in her head. it was awful enough just watching her cry. it wasn't exactly super fast either. then he bandaged up her head and said we had to leave this huge bandage on until tuesday when he sees her again. AND we had to push on her head (where the lump was) every half hour for the rest of the day. (needless to say that it didn't feel good for us to do that... she hated it).
see that big lump on veda's head? (on the right--- but her left)?? that's what got emptied out yesterday. poor, sweet, baby. i hope and pray that today is a better day for her. and I'm SO GLAD I don't have to keep pushing on her head today.


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

oh man!!! :( that stinks! i am so, so sorry amber!!! shawn and i almost started crying when we were reading the story!!!! so, we can't imagine how you and dave feel! :(

i hope she heals fast! you guys are in our prayers! hoping for good news on tues!

Lindsey said...

Oh that breaks my heart to see her head all bandaged up! I am so sorry you had to suffer along with her. I hope she heals well and you won't have to think about it again.

Leslie said...

Oh no, poor little Veda... I hope she gets better quickly and that the first attempt works!

Mom said...

Oooh! Poor baby Veda and poor Mommy too! Kiss her extra for me today.

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

I'm so sorry! I can't even stand to watch them do immunizations. But how could you leave her while they did that and not be there to comfort her? I don't know what I'd do. I didn't stay for the circumcision though and I hear they did just fine...

Hope she's feeling better soon.

Lindsay said...

awww, sweet baby. that's such a hard day. sorry you had to go through that. hopefully this works and she will be all better and back to her perfect self.

Kourtni said...

Awwww...poor thing. It makes me sad that you had to endure that horrible process as well ALL DAY LONG! I hope that she heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

Oh... that is so heart-breaking!!! I wish her a fast recovery. You are such a good mama... I can't imagine how sad that must have been!!!


kelsey said...

WAY sad. I can't imagine having to push on it! how rude of them to ask such a thing of you. . . lol. The good thing about babies is that they bounce back so quickly.