we checked into the hospital at midnight on Monday. We were worried they would send us home because i hadn't progressed enough, but they admitted me with no questions asked. I must have LOOKED pregnant enough.
They induced using Cytotec. it's a pill they put by your cervix that gives you contractions, but doesn't necessarily give you labor contractions. It softens your cervix and gets your body ready for pitocin. It's usually followed by pitocin, but makes it so you don't need to be on pitocin for so long. in my case, the cytotec put me into heavy labor and i didn't need pitocin. My body produces some crazy intense contractions-- and i wanted to try to get an epidural even though i realize they don't always work for me. thank heavens i eventually worked!! i can tell that the anesthesiologist is aways a little stumped as to why they don't always work. this time it just took 5 times longer to work on me than it does on other people. i'm just grateful it finally worked!! i went pretty fast after the epidural started working, i remember hearing what i thought was the baby kicking the monitor. except it wasn't a kick... it was my water breaking. i was so numb from the epidural (and quite frankly feeling better than i had for weeks) that i didn't realize my water had broken. the nurse came in to check me and saw that my water had broken and that veda was on her way out. she quickly paged my ob... and we waited for her to start pushing.
the cord was around veda's neck, so unfortuunately she needed some help from a vacuum. (but thank heavens we have things like that to help!!).
Out she came!! I could tell that as soon as she came out, all ten people in the room were surprised by her size!!! 8 pounds, 6 ounces. it's really no wonder i have been so uncomfortable and in so much pain.. i was carrying around a big girl :)
not the best picture of me... but kind of expresses how i was feeling... "I did it!!!!"
meeting daddy.
still a little drunk from my epidural. wish i still felt like that :)
grandma and Veda after we got home yesterday
Getting ready to go home from the hospital. I have more pictures to share, but I will do another post one of these days.
If you MUST see more pictures, go to Bella Baby. our password is: 0301vedakeller
my favorites are #5 and #9
Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl!
Congrats! She is lovely.
Cute! Congratulations.
What a sweet little face she has. Congrats! I'm glad all went well.
So sweet! Congratulations!
Word of caution: after they used the vacuum on Thad (for the same reason), his neck was really messed up. We didn't notice until about 6 weeks later that it was the cause of his misery and the reason he was such an unhappy baby. Hopefully she is a happy, sleepy baby girl for you, but if not, you might want to pay attention to that. Don't know if you remember me talking about it on the blog; he held his head at an angle a lot and we had to do a little p.t. with him. No biggie, but it would have helped if someone had told us to watch out for it.
Love her already...can't wait to see her again. I LOVE the pics of you Am- too cute!
yay!! veda is beautiful!!! i love picture #9 too!!!
you had to get SIX epidurals???? i am so glad it worked for you!!!
is veda your biggest baby?
Wow! Grand-daughter #2! Welcome to the planet little one! I love you tons! You're beautiful and perfect!
Aw, congratulations Amber! She is absolutely beautiful!
Yay Amber! I bet you feel so much better :) Did your other kids have dark hair like that? Congrats!
What a sweet little one! I love the pics, esp the first one. And you go girl! 8lb baby girls are fun! :)
I am totally crying over here! OF COURSE I had to see more pictures, are you crazy? lol. I seriously can't believe she's such a little chunk! Love her to bits already. One day I will get to meet her. . .
Thank goodness for vacuums (even though I hate them, they saved Norah). I'm glad everything went okay. Next time you're going natural, right? NEXT TIME, right?!?!? Next time? ha. . . love you all!
wait, biggest baby and least amount of hair, am I right? She's gorgeous. I'm going to stare at her some more. . .
Congratulations! I can't believe little you had an 8+ pounder! You're my hero.
yahooooo. congrats to you guys. so fun. and you look great. how in the heck do you not have a double chin in the hospital. i have like a triple chin. whatever. you are too cute and that baby is too. glad all went well.
Oh she is so precious! I absolutly love newborn pics, esp ones when the person holding the baby is looking down at them.....does that make sense?
Those cheeks are pretty stinkin kissable :)
Congrats you guys! Horray for not being prego anymore~
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