A picture of the boys during our lunch break on our way down. When did my baby turn into such a big boy????
Our hotel. This was the kid's side. That pack and play on the left was Quinn's-- and we shoved it farther into the kitchen for her to sleep. She did awesome. Hendrix on the other hand.... let's just say that me and him didn't get very much sleep :)
This was the kid's favorite part of the room-- the closet.
The family out at the Mayan for dinner. All us looking a bit frazzled after traveling and shopping at IKEA all day. The Mayan was lots of fun though-- the kids loved it. Brian and Courtney's girls loved it too. I'm sad I didn't take a picture of the whole group.. what was I thinking?
Quinn looks so cozy in the car. What a way to travel! The motel room looks more roomy than some I've been in. Such a cute family!
ahhh... IKEA, love that store!! I was wondering why there was a Uhaul in your driveway. ;)
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