Sunday, May 30, 2010

The gateway (day 2)

We spent Saturday afternoon at the Gateway.
We ate lunch at California Pizza Kitchen-- probably one of my favorite restaurants ever-- and we don't have one in Boise.

I had a great idea to sit outside on the patio, but it ended up being hot and sunny and uncomfortable... oops

Me and Quinn in front of the fountain. (I was FORCING her to be in a picture with me)

Quinn and Aunt Krystal (Krystal lives in Salt Lake and was able to spend the day with us!!)

Hendrix didn't travel very well at all. Normally such a great sleeper, he just couldn't get comfortable-- to sleep at the hotel or in the car. I sat SQUISHED between the kids carseats for most of the ride home-- trying my hardest to keep him happy since he couldn't and wouldn't sleep. I even gave him an Oreo (obviously)


Mom said...

That picture of You and Quinn is SO cute! Hooray for Gateway! You do have handsom boys.

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

This sounds like an awesome trip. I love the gateway! And I love california pizza kitchen, and Ikea :) Cute pictures.

cc said...

We went to CPK too! IKEA and the Mayan were fun, thanks for the great idea.

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

You're out of town!!? Gosh, Amber! These eyebrows need waxing!!! :) Hope you are having a fun little get-away!!!
p.s. I LOVE that picture of you and Quinn. adorable.

kelsey said...

I love Gateway. . . wish I were there right now, actually. . .