Wednesday, February 16, 2011

fire station and heaven

Quinn has already had a few field trips with her pre-school class. Every time there's a field trip I ask Quinn what she thinks of me coming (as a chaperone). She always laughs and thinks I'm ridiculous. After all-- preschool "isn't for mommies!!!" Anyway-- as her field trip to the fire station was coming up she had decided that she didn't want to go. Scared of fire-fighters? Or Dalmatians? So this morning I suggested that I go as well, and she assured me that it would make her feel better if I came. Unfortunately, it made her WAY anti-social. Wouldn't stand by the other kids, wouldn't participate, wouldn't be in the pictures with her class...
The first stop of the field trip was to Krispy Kreme's. (What a life, huh??)

And while the rest of her class put on their cute hats and stood together for a photo, Quinn hid under a table. Awesome.

The fire station was worse. She wouldn't let me put her down at all. (i know, Dave... I shouldn't be holding her). Anyway-- for the last ten minutes she finally agreed to let her teacher hold her instead. Thank goodness.

and man... I'm seriously in heaven. One of my friends gave me a gift certificate to Hawthorne Threads for a baby present. My fabric came today!! I would be sewing at this very moment if it wasn't all getting pre-washed.


Mom said...

I guess sometimes kids do better socially without Mom to protect them. Sometimes 3 year olds are just not ready to be social all the time. Hey- those fabrics are REALLY cute. I'm sure you'll have fun with them.

cc said...

Wow, that came fast! I'm glad you had fun picking them out, and they look so cute! Can't wait to see what you make the baby with them.

valerie said...

ooo first off I love that fabric :) wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with it, but its still super duper adorable if my opinion matters!
Sad that the fieldtrip wasn't so grand, but I'm sure in "her eyes" it was the best day ever??? maybe?
ps. I have missed your cute blog! Soooo glad I have made a comeback to this awesome world of blogging!