Thanks for teaching me so much. I couldn't have asked for a better mom.
You've taught me to have a good attitude (yet you are sensitive when I'm having a hard time doing that). I think it's one of the greatest things I remember learning from you growing up. YOU have such a positive attitude. You taught me very early on that I can choose how I feel. Thanks for a great life lesson.
You showed me the importance of being a good mother to my own kids. I'm grateful that I had you to learn from.
You are such a hard worker. When you are here, you are always cooking, cleaning, changing my kids diapers, doing the grocery shopping and laundry-- and all with a smile on your face. Like you thought it would be fun to fly all the way across the country to do my daily tasks. Plus, then you fly home to do the same things at your house (without poopy kids to change), and go to work (to change grown-up's diapers at the hospital) to buy another plane ticket to come visit again.
I can talk to you about anything. You truly are my best friend (other than Dave). Thanks for always being there for me to vent to and cry too (a lot of crying while I'm pregnant and hormonal). And thanks for always being there to laugh with me about my kids. It helps me to get out of bed knowing that I can call you first thing.
I love you a LOT and hope that you have a very special birthday. Can't wait to see you in 19 DAYS!!!!
Sweet post! Happy birthday to your mom :-)
awww! what a nice post! :)
happy birthday amber's mom :)
Wow! Amber- That was the sweetest post ever. I think I'll go find the kleenex. You're the best. I look forward to talking to you every day. You still excite my soul. I'm starting to get so excited about seeing you that I have a hard time staying focused. Just ask Dad. It's like I no longer understand English.
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