Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quinn's extra fun day

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon so we decided to fill up Quinn's little swimming pool. She was not very excited about it at first. We couldn't even talk her into taking her clothes or shoes off.

Daddy was helping her see how fun it was. She was quickly convinced

She even let us take some her clothes off

She also had fun playing with her sand and water table. We finally put both sand and water in at the same time.

So I made a cheesecake for dessert and Quinn was SO excited. But...she couldn't understand why we were having a cake and not blowing out candles....

Being the indulgent parents that we are....we let her blow out a candle.

She cleared her plate...surprise, surprise :)

You'd think these were trick candles...but nope


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

how fun!! You all should come for for dinner or something sometime and have Q swim in our pool. I bet she would love it!!

Paul said...

don't believe them quinn, those were trick candles! your dad's pulled that trick on me for 13 years straight and counting!

Mom said...

I love that picture of her sitting in the pool, with Dave's flip-flops showing how little Quinn is in comparison. What a fun day.