Turn into this so fast!!!
it's all but official. Hendrix is weaned from nursing. He did nurse on ONE side ONCE today... but it was first thing in the morning so I could trick him into it. But that was all I could get. He literally weaned himself overnight. He went from nursing 4 times a day a week ago-- to nothing. (it took me two months to wean Quinn-- and I was TRYING to wean her--also at 14 months) There are many selfish reasons why I didn't want him to stop nursing... like how nursing is great birth control for me, i don't have my period, i can eat whatever i want and not exercise, etc. But he's obviously old enough (14 months). Although he won't drink milk-- any suggesstions? I tried mixing pediasure into his milk today to see if he liked the taste better, but it didn't work. I am quite sad... but I can smell more freedom since we've never even given him a bottle I've been pretty tied to him for his whole life. (but to be honest, I'd rather not have the freedom and keep nursing him) :)
bye bye sweet baby... hello tantrum throwing toddler.
Oh Amber, that makes me sad for you!!! But, at least you got 14 months!!! Jaxton is only 3 months and because he has been exclusively on the bottle for like the past 4 weeks, he HATES nursing already. It makes me cry!! So, so sad!!! :(
Amen to the elimination of the period while nursing. I would like to keep nursing forever for that reason. I'm sad for you, I totally get it that it is a sad milestone. I don't understand when people are dying to wean their babies. Everyone is different I guess. Do your hormones go crazy when you wean too? Mine sure did. I was a wreck.
Oh Amber I am sorry to hear the pediasure didn't work :( So I am not as smart as you think!!!
like you ever need to exercise. ha.
i'm sad for you and weaning, and jealous that you never get your period while nursing. i wish.
norah didn't like milk for a couple of weeks, i just kept trying and she eventually got the hint that it's all she was going to get.
Boy that is a good looking kid. REally looks like his Grandpa!
Try pumping and mixing 3/4 breast milk 1/4 cows milk, then after a couple of days go half and half. Then 1/4 BM 3/4 CM. Good luck.
Motherhood is full of milestones- both good and bad. He is still the cutest baby and you will survive the emotionality of it all. I wonder if he'll like the milk when his body needs that calcuim. I make up stuff huh?
You're too funny. I remember you trying to wean Quinn... oh if this doesn't show how two children could be more different (even if they do wear the same shoes!)
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