it's true. she does love Grandpa and Grandma. Today is a sad day... they went home.
There were some mega tears from Hendrix this morning. I had to have a talk with him first thing in the morning because he asked for Grandpa. When I told him that Grandpa was on an airplane back to Michigan, the tears started flowing "I want Grandpa!!" It was very sad. Hendrix definitely made a new buddy this past week. Instead of coming to me to be held, he went to Grandpa. Hendrix also learned very quickly that if he followed Grandpa into the pantry, he would get a jelly bean, and that he could get fruit snacks on demand... any time of day :)
hendrix also learned that grandpa would push him around (mommy never does)
and instead of getting just chicken nuggets for lunch, Grandpa would get them a juice too. so lucky...
We also went to lunch or dinner a lot-- which meant that Hendrix got to play my iphone a lot. also-- really lucky :)
this is Hendrix and Grandpa at the mall playing.
Veda in a new onesie from grandma.
sweet, happy girl. She was SO good this past week. we went out and about a lot, and she was an ANGEL. Slept in the car- and usually the whole time we were out. I think there was one time all week that I had to nurse her while we were out somewhere. that's pretty awesome. plus, she had TWO nights of sleeping for 6 hours straight!! woo hoo for me!!
and here's my mom. doing service with a smile :)
... and she changed lots of diapers. There are many to change around here!
grandpa meeting Veda
a healthy and rested Amber since I got so much help this week.
we miss you guys already. THANK YOU for coming this week! It was so fun to have you. The kids had a blast and made some lasting memories of having super fun Grandparents. Thanks also for helping me so much. I'm (obviously) still trying to figure out having three kids. It was nice to have two more sets of hands around to help out. Thanks for getting us groceries (every day), and doing my laundry, and changing diapers, and playing outside with my kids, and doing odd jobs around my house, and working on my garden, and taking us out for yummy food, and helping with baths/bedtime, and making dinner every night-- and cleaning it up. Thanks for holding the baby so I could take a shower, and reading the kids books, and playing with play doh, and buying my kids new clothes and Easter outfits, and thanks for our Apple TV, and holding the baby so I could get my haircut and go to the dentist. You guys are THE BEST!!! (come back REALLY soon-- maybe as soon as you've recovered from us running you ragged)
Wow, Amber. That one made me emotional! Thanks for being a grateful child (you'll always be my child!). I know I spoil you but you always remain full of gratitude. I had so much fun just being with all of you. I do love to hold babies and play with grandkids. Thanks for letting us crash your place, use your hot water up, doing my hair and eat up your food and use up your laundry supplies and shampoo. You are the best! I miss you already and I just got home.
This one made me emotional too (thanks for making the pregnant lady cry :-) So happy that your parents were able to come and spend time with all of you.
So why do you like your parents to come? :) It made me miss them for you! ;)
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