he was playing in his crib because i was rearranging his bedroom.
some random things that have been on my mind:
*did ya'll know that Veda has blue eyes? my only blue-eyed child. Thanks dave for her blue eyes... so cute (on both of you)
*I think I have a mental problem concerning germs. I know that it's normal to not want to get sick. But I think it makes me avoid being around people and having friends because I'm always worried that my kids are gonna get sick. Even though I'm crazy, my kids are still ALWAYS getting sick. It sucks.
*I REALLY want one of THESE. If only I had some extra money lying around. Too bad we spend all of our money on having babies and fixing my teeth since having babies destroys them.
*I miss sewing. I know that I'll have time again someday, but I'm used to sewing a LOT. And I miss it. I just need a few more hours in the day... that I'm not holding or nursing a baby, since the few minutes I've found to sew lately, I've been holding Veda too. :) and of course I don't regret the hours a day I spend holding and nursing her. It'll go by too fast.
i am so jealous that you have a baby with blue eyes!!! i wanted jax to have them so badly! but his brown eyes are pretty cute too! :)
i am the exact same way about germs. i am already completely hyperventilating about jax going to nursery ... and it's still 4 months away! i just cant stand the thought of him being around a ton of other kids sharing toys that (hopefully!!) have been disinfected. oh.my.gosh. i am having a panic attack thinking about it! ha!
cute pic of hendrix!
I love Veda's blue eyes. Someday you'll be like me and have some time to sew and silouette. Then, they will call you to be Relief Society President and you actually won't have time after all. That's life huh? I'm glad you are taking time to hold that precious little baby because they really do grow up SO fast. As far as the germs go, I don't blame you for trying to avoid them, but they are EVERYWHERE!
Since when do your other kids not have blue eyes? I feel terrible that I didn't realize this. Sheesh. Sorry.
I also think you have a mental germ problem. . . and I think it's why you are always sick! ha. Murphey's Law, Am.
love you!
not to steal Dave's glory, but you're actually to blame for your kids' eye color, since Dave has blue eyes. He can only give the blue allele, whereas you have one blue and one brown allele. whichever one you give will determine what color your kids have. That'll be on the test.
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