Thursday, April 21, 2011

veda randoms

the kids are being good (knock on wood), and Veda is sleeping peacefully in my moby wrap, so I thought I'd put up some more pictures (pictures of t-shirts aren't as cute as my kids)
here are a few of sweet little Veda. We are feeling very blessed. She is a baby, so of course she cries and fusses, but she's so good. Last night she slept from 10:30 til 5 am. pretty sweet huh? The funny problem, is that it's honestly hard for me to stay up until 10:30. ha... but I'll take what I can get. She's STILL pooping at night.. when does this stop?? I swear my other kids stopped pooping at like 4 weeks old... am I wrong?? tell me it's coming soon. Last night was obviously good-- she didn't poop until she woke up at 5. But she has been a major nighttime pooper. Sometimes 4 a night. She has been awesome at going out in public. she usually sleeps the whole time, and is great in the car, unlike Quinn was as an infant. And dave has the MAGIC touch for rocking her the sleep. He's seriously amazing. She must be a daddy's girl.

this is obviously an old picture. Taken back when she could have actually fit in the bathroom sink. This was taken after her head incision, so I was trying not to get her head wet-- hence the sink bath.

another favorite of her from the photo shoot. We got our prints in the mail that we ordered. Holy cow-- they are beautiful. We used MPix to print them. They have this metallic paper that is awesome. It makes them look super reflective and clear. Plus, it's not that much more expensive than using walgreens or something to print pictures.

and the cutest little baby tights ever. You gotta love GAP clearance :)


Mom said...

AWWW! I love a baby in the sink. Looks like she enjoyed that bath! LOVE the Pippi Longstocking socks.

kelsey said...

she is so sweet. I love me some stripey tights on a baby!

I thought the same thing with Scarlett: when does the night-time pooping stop?!?! lol. and now I can't remember when she stopped. . . it must not have been long though.