see that cute little mini hair clip?? so cute.
hendrix had some pretty awesome locks as a newborn too.
Veda is by no means BALD, but has less hair than i kmow what to do with. so what do you do when you have a 'bald' baby? make headbands of course!! i've made Veda a 'couple,'
don't worry... I didn't make those all today. I did make these yo-yo style ones today though.
I like small flowers on little babies, THIS tutorial is awesome. THIS is an okay yo-yo tutorial, although I don't fold over the edges since I usually cover the center. For the yo-yos I made for Veda, I traced a can of beans for the larger yo-yo. just to give you a size idea :)
and THIS is a good tutorial for the silk kind. (although I make mine much smaller and only two layers)
wow! when compared to quinn and x, veda really does look bald!!! that is funny! super cute headbands!! i hope i have a girl eventually! i always wanted to buy those cute headbands, but shawn wasn't wild about jax wearing them! :)
Wow, you sure have darling babies. Your craftiness is amazing! You should sell those headbands and make some big bucks.
you would.
you have the cutest little babies :)
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