Monday, November 16, 2009

hair cut and utensils

hendrix got a haircut this afternoon.

but he was not in the mood for me to be taking pictures. he just wanted me to hold him instead.

i'm so mean sometimes....

and this is what Quinn did while I made dinner tonight.


Scott & Katie said...

well i am jealous. quinn's "messes" are MUCH neater than macey's. every night i make dinner she goes through the cupboards and literally chucks things out. she has even thrown loaves of bread. so enjoy your perfectly lined up array of forks and spoons

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

Thats pretty! It could be art on someone's wall. lol, and I agree with Katie completely.

Mom said...

Would Quinn like to come over and organize drawers or something for me??? I love Hendrix' haircut. I could use a haircut myself.