a little flashback-- Quinn at 10 months. (mom-- I bet you
love this messy face picture). It was a little sad for me to look for pictures of Quinn around this age. It was when she got chronically sick before she stopped growing and had all of her tests done. I'm grateful for the healthy spunky *big* girl she is now.

and wow--look how far Hendrix has come. Hard to believe this sweet, orange, little baby turned into the tank we have now.

Here's what our 10 month old is up to:
*Sleeps through the night!!! (6:30-5:30) I may have claimed he was sleeping through the night before, but I was lying. He would always go back to waking up. He's been sleeping all night for almost 3 weeks!! woo hoo!!
*Takes two naps (and is a great napper compared to Quinn!)
*Still nursing (of course) but is down to only 4 times a day
*loves food-- and especially loves to try anything we are eating instead of his baby food
*only 2 teeth... where are the rest??
*walks along furniture/walls/and with his bike.
*only stands unassisted if I
make him... and only for 5 seconds
*is a sweet, giggly, happy, mama's-boy (although you wouldn't know it by how much he says "dada")

Sometimes I get a little choked up when I do these monthly updates. Babies grow so fast!