Monday, November 07, 2011

thankful for...

I feel like I need to jump on this "Thankful For..." bandwagon. I've loved reading the little things people are thankful for every day this month. I'm obviously starting late-- and I also don't guarantee that I'll do it EVERY day. I post a lot, but I give no promises to every day. :)

As I've been thinking about this the last few days, I realized that the thing that I'm most thankful for in life is Dave. Not just because he funny and hot and plays the guitar- but because he's my whole life. I feel like I've been on an emotional roller coaster lately. Selling the house (and the house not selling as fast as we want). Moving-- and not knowing where. My life is in limbo. And I'm a planner. I like to know what I'm doing and what time I'm doing it at. So it's been hard for me to have all of this back and forth and ups and downs. But the constant-- is Dave. No matter what happens, or when it happens-- at least I know it's happening with Dave. And I love him. I am Thankful for Dave.


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

i love this post! it's so sweet!!! how is your house stuff going? you've been in our prayers! we sure love you guys!!

kelsey said...

You're so cute. I love that you have such a great relationship. It makes me sad when people complain about their husbands, and I have never seen you do that. Don't stress!!! Do you want me to send you some chocolates? LOL.

Heather said...

I've always thought you two were a super adorable couple! :)

Dave said...

Double dog ditto ése. It's really me who is the one thankful for you, you know. Always taking care of the kids and cleaning the house and making me delicious salads and looking cute...

I'm thankful for your face. Hot pants.

Mom said...

This is so sweet. I'm also thankful for Dave. I'm thankful that he takes care of MY baby girl. He is kind to me even though I'm his mother-in-law and I invade your personal domain so often. Maybe it's just cause I buy cinnamon rolls... You two are a good team figuring life out together.