she was pretty excited :)
sorry dude... the one picture I took of Hendrix with my camera.
quinn played for 20 minutes before she had her tragedy.
quinn was chasing Hendrix down the sidewalk and fell. she ripped holes in both knees (of her brand new tights...) and scraped one knee pretty good. plus she was crying so hard that she peed her pants. the party was over for her.
unfortunately it started raining :(
Oh, man! Too bad about the tragedy. Well, she sure looked pretty (and you can always get new tights). Hendrix looked very cute in his skeleton suit too. Was Hendrix able to stay and have some fun? How did the cupcakes turn out?
quinn makes a darling ballerina, too bad about the fall! i love those little skeleton outfits, i almost got one for scarlett before i realized she already has a costume. . . dang it.
well, she is the prettiest little ballerina ever!!! sorry she got hurt!! :(
Soooo adorable, I love that tu tu!! Sad about the tragic end to the party, poor little knees :(
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