Monday, May 02, 2011


Quinn had a preschool field trip to the zoo this morning. I decided to be brave and go with hendrix and veda too. It was NUTS, but fun. I don't think I'll be doing any outings like this again for a while with all three kiddos. There were lots of tears from Quinn and Veda (thank goodness Hendrix was such a champ).

they had made binoculars at preschool to take to the zoo. the kids all thought it was pretty fun to look at the animals through their binoculars.


kelsey said...

I can't believe you even attempted it. Three kids must make you brave, because I barely go anywhere alone with two! ha. I'm such a wuss.

zoos are fun, though!

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

the thought of going to the zoo with three kids makes my stomach hurt!!! good for you for pulling it off! you're wonder-momma!

cute pics!

Mom said...

I LOVE the fake binoculars! How funny! You are most brave. Sorry that didn't turn out perfectly. But if you asked the kids, I bet they'd say it was fun.