Have I mentioned how Veda doesn't spit up? (yes.. I'm knocking on wood right now). She does spit up, but maybe three times a week. And not enough to usually require a change of clothes for either one of us. How awesome is that?? Hendrix had either spit up or drool coming out of his mouth for 2 years straight, (And would without fail spit up on Dave's pants during sacrament meeting), and Quinn had a bad case of reflux and would empty her ENTIRE stomach all over her clean clothes, the couch, my hair, etc.
so Thank you, sweet Veda, for not being a spitter. It's just too bad that I made you so many burp rags!!
two things I hear from Hendrix EVERY DAY.
"I wanna wash dishes for lou!"
he means that he wants to wash dishes for me. It's a great excuse to play in the sink and get himself, the floor, the counter, and his stool soaking wet. If I say 'not right now,' he says "I wanna wash dishes for lou... pleeeaase." I hope that he has the same zeal for washing dishes when he's a teenager.
"no my poopy."
and he means to tell me that he's not poopy. When I walk in to get him in the morning I feel his tummy and bottom to make sure he's not soaked with pee before I pick him up. So he says "no my poopy" so I won't change his diaper. He'll also say it during the day--- right after he's totally pooped in his diaper.
As difficult as they are-- two year olds are so much fun :)
Also--Dave and I are doing Insanity. We are even half way through. Dave has seen some great results- lost weight, looks buff and chiseled. Me... I've gained two pounds. ha... I have an extra 20 pounds on me from having Veda (thats's a LOT-- I know). And I'm not necessarily concerned about the actual pounds-- I just want the baby belly flab to go away so I can wear all of my tight shirts again. Since it seems the world only makes tight shirts, and all but 2 of the shirts I own make me my pooch stick out. Dave is diligent-- even on nights that he plays soccer, he comes home and does the Insanity workout. Me-- I've had the flu twice in the past two weeks and have missed 5 workouts. I know, I know... who gets the flu twice?? me. Plus an ear infection. Super fun!! And I've had to sit pitifully on the couch and watch while Dave works out like crazy. I should also mention that Dave has started to eat better... and me... I will finish a workout and eat a bowl of ice cream AND a bowl of chips. (in my defense, I always eat crappy, plus I'm nursing and workout out hard.. I need the calories.) I obviously need the calories since I'm gaining weight! :) I know it's muscle since I haven't exercised in a LONG time, but still....
At the end of the 60 day program if I look super hot, I'll think about posting my before and after picture. If not... then forget that I ever told you I was doing this crazy hard workout program. And better yet-- after I finish the program-- or before, I don't care, let's celebrate with a trip to the cheesecake factory.
speaking of cheesecake, It's almost 8 am, so I better go eat some cookies. nope, I'm not kidding. :)
Well Hooray for Veda not spitting up on all your clothes! And Hooray for two year olds and all their funny sayings. You are crazy doing Insanity. But I've got to say that I'm jealous. I'm too old and would probably break something. I'm having "no dessert" week. You should try it. Maybe you'd quit getting the flu.
I did p90x and then insanity before I got pregnant. I saw great results! I stuck with it as long as I could in the beginning of my pregnancy as well, but of course had to stop eventually. It has been hard to go from feeling good about where my body was (even though I had a little ways to go before I was where I WANTED to be), just to get fat again. Oh the joys of babies!!! Stick with it, you will be glad you did...and so will Dave! ;)
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