Friday, February 05, 2010

Freezer paper

I made Quinn and Hendix a shirt using a freezer paper stencil. It was so fun! I have a feeling I'm going to make a lot more stuff... I have a plan for a new diaper bag I just got.

Don't mind the apple in her mouth :)

Here's a TUTORIAL for the using a Freezer paper stencil.


daine said...

Those look great, Am! That looks even better than the spray paint method.

Lindsay said...

those are sooo cute. im totally doing that on onesies. it will be so fun especially since i can girlify them now. yahoo for girls!!!!

Mom said...

Those are very cute!! (So are the kids).

Heather said...

That is a great idea. I wish I lived by you, so we could do craft nights! Btw... I love Quinn's hair! It's getting thick!