another favorite: eating brownies
another favorite: this sparkly dress from Grandpa Dan. She wants to wear it EVERY Sunday. :)
this might be too much information for you, but I think it's funny. Quinn has been slightly constipated lately so we've been feeding her a lot of prunes. When she's trying hard to go potty she will ask me for a prune thinking that it will immediately help her push it out. She's become slightly obessed with things that will help her poop. when she's playing with her toy food she is constantly asking me things like
"do tomatoes help me poop??"
"Will donuts help me poop??"
"do peas help me poop?"
it's only a matter of time before she says something like that VERY LOUDLY in public :)
that robot shirt is so cute. i found a cute robot that i did for brady's sister's little boy and it was so cute, but i forgot to take a pic of it before i sent it to her. dangit.
interesting, i wonder why any child of yours could possibly love eating brownies??? it's a mystery.
also, all the shirts are so cute. nice job.
As a nurse, i liked this one. Also, send Quinn over and she can do my dishes too. Love the googly-eyed robot.
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